4. Lunar dBcom and Light Guide Systems

Light Guide Device installation

Lunar and LGS are communicating via TCP/IP. The advance of this protocol is that Lunar can work on a LocalHost, but also on a network server.
Installation of the TCP-IP device is simulair to other TCP-IP device in LGS

  1. Setup LunarDB as a LGS companion Program:

    Copy the entire LunarDB Folder to C:\Program Files\OPS Solutions\Light Guide Systems\Companions:
    LunarDB CopyLunarDBFolderToLGS

  2. Start LGS and go to Settings and click on the gearwheel next to "Companion Programs > LunarDB"

    LunarDB LGSCompanion1

    In the window set the following settings: 
    CompanionPath: C:\Program Files\OPS Solutions\Light Guide Systems\Companions\LunarDB.exe
    WorkingDirectory: C:\Program Files\OPS Solutions\Light Guide Systems\Companions

    LunarDB LGSCompanion2

  3. Next create an TCP device, go to Settings in LGS and select the devices TAB. Add a new TCP Socket.

    LunarDB AddTCPDeviceInLGS1

    LunarDB AddTCPDeviceInLGS2
